We keep daily track of the European and non-European, governmental and private programs, in order to identify and recognize the opportunities that might fit our clients profile needs.
We ensure that you receive the information regarding the events and the opportunities as soon as possible.
Our consultants offer you assistance in collecting all the necessary finance documentation, and after the signing of the financing contract, they even assure the objective management of the project.
Our clients are trained by our facilitators in writing a finance application, in project management, so that all the necessary information becomes available to those who are interested.
We organize monthly information sessions regarding the application for nonrefundable funds, successful projects approved by the European Committee and experiences of the European Union member countries.
Angelica GaluscaExecutive managerGo Plan srlBrasov , Bd. Alexandru Vlahuta 63, bl. 139, sc. D, ground floor, 500398
Tel. / fax: 0368/ 40 12 48
GSM: 0722/ 20 91 75
E-mail: angelica@goplan.ro